Royce Hood, the new CEO of Action for Life, is set to host the 2025 Law of Life Summit in Washington, DC on January 23.  The Summit is an annual gathering of top pro-life leaders, media, activists, lawyers and students who gather to strategize and network for building a culture of life.

When: January 23, 2025 from 1pm to 4pm ET

Where: Westin Downtown DC Hotel, Washington, DC

What: National gathering of pro-life leaders and activitists for the defense of the sanctity of human life.

Details: Learn more at

About: Royce founded the Law of Life Summit back in 2011 with Dr. Pat Castle from LIFE Runners and with a handful of other pro-life leaders.  Nellie Gray, the foundress of the March for Life came and spoke at the innagural DC event in January of 2012.  Since then, the Law of Life Summit has been hosted annually on the eve of the March for Life. The goals of the Summit have evolved over time based on trends and needs within our culture.

“When the Summit launched our goal was to overturn Roe v. Wade” said Royce.  “We developed measurable and achievable objectives to be pursued over the course of a year between Summits.”  Initially, the Summits were geared almost exclusively toward cultivating future pro-life lawyers.

However over time it became apparent that the Summit was positioned to provide a broader platform: Understanding that the law and politics often flow downstream of politics, a media track was created to inspire change in culture.

Over the years the Law of Life Summit has featured many influential pro-life leaders, activitists and infuencers alike.  Each year the Summit includes a so-called firehose session whereby speakers are given a few short minutes at the podium to share their work.   The firehose session is usually followed by one or more panels including a legal panal generally hosted by Thomas More Society.

Royce Hood, CEO of Action for Life will be in DC along with his wife and children for the Law of Life Summit.  The Hood family will also be taking a private tour of the Capitol and joining leaders at the March for Life.  Lastly, Royce will be joining other pro-life leaders and the National Pro Life Summit held on January 25 after the March for Life.  It’s going to be a busy week!

Will you be in DC the week of the March for Life? If so, please come by the Law of Life Summit.  You may register at